Saturday, October 25, 2008

Acts Chapter 3

Peter’s Miracle, Peter’s Second Sermon

As our study continues, the church at Pentecost has been established and God added to the church daily. Signs and wonders (miracles) were sent from heaven, the apostles received the promise of the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues (known languages), dreams and visions occurred (in later chapters). Now in chapter 3 the working of the Holy Spirit (miracles) will continue. As the 9th hour (3 PM) was about them, the Apostles, Peter and John, readied themselves to enter the temple for prayer as was the Jewish custom. There at the temple gate a man lame from birth tried to solicit alms from Peter and John, this too was the custom. Peter’s words “look on us” demanded the man give them his undivided attention. The lame man is expecting money (alms) not a healing (miracle).Verses (1-7) has many significance factors (1) This lame man is strategically placed at the temple gate by God for his purpose (2) Just as on the day of Pentecost what better place and time to get multitude of people’s attention, they were thousands coming for the hour of prayer and they will be witnesses to what is about to happen, (signs and miracles),and (3) The stage is set for Peter’s second powerful sermon.

Informing the lame man that he (Peter) had no alms to give him (something he was expecting), Peter called on the name of the lord JESUS CHRIST and ordered the lame man to get up and walk. Luke being a physician gave a complete account of the physical miracle the lame received (immediately not eventually). There was no doubt of what just took place at the temple gate. People were amazed at what they just witnessed. Peter had the people’s undivided attention and he capitalized on the opportunity (just like Pentecost). Notice that Peter addressed a Jewish audience. Peter first wanted to make sure that they knew that the miracle they just witnessed was of God and not themselves. As he did in his Pentecostal sermon, Peter reminded them that they handed Jesus the messiah over to the Gentile authorities to be crucified, and when Pilate was going to release Jesus they protested and asked that Jesus take the place of a murderer (Matthew.27:15-26).

After indicting them, Peter reminded them of the fact that God raised Jesus from the dead, in which they were witnesses. Peter explained the basis of the miracle. Jesus, not them was to receive the glory for the miracle. Peter explained that it was the name of our Christ that gave him the authority and the power to heal. Peter’s point is that it is not what they could do, but what Christ could through them. Jesus name must not be used as magic; it must be used in faith. Peter informed them that the death of Christ was a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy (Ps.22; Isa.50:6 and Chapter 53). John the Baptist prepared the way for Christ by preaching repentance. The Apostles called for salvation also included repentance. “The time of restitution” of all things refers to “The second coming of Christ” the last judgment, and the removal of sin in the world. Peter affirmed the inspiration of the Old Testament prophets, just as in verses 18 and 21. This is to say that they all testified with a single voice concerning the things of Christ, even though they killed the prophets (Matthew 24:37; Acts 7:52). Peter now traced their ancestral heritage and that all people of the earth were to be blessed through them (Gen.12:3; 22:18; 26:4; Gal.3:16). Israel had the first opportunity to receive the blessings from Christ and turned away from their iniquities (sins).

What was the beautiful gate of the temple?
This was a gate located east of the temple area.

What is Solomon Porch?
Solomon Porch was the raised outermost part of Herod’s temple with columns that went all the way around the outer court (John 10:23; Acts. 3:11).

What was the Jewish hour of prayer?
6 AM is the first hour, 9 AM is the third hour, 12 Noon is the sixth hour, and 3 PM is the ninth hour (sunset).

What does the biblical term repentance mean?
In a more general sense repentance means to “change one’s mind. True repentance is a “Godly sorrow” for sin, an act of turning around and going in the opposite direction. This type of repentance leads to fundamental change in a person’s relationship to God.

Who was the man that the Jewish people wanted to be released?

His name was Barabbas, a murderer.

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